Financial Information

Tregony with Cuby Parish Council, along with all other parish and town councils in England, has the right to raise a precept from council taxpayers within its parish. The parish council notifies Cornwall Council each year of the sum that it will require from this parish precept. Cornwall Council calculates how much will, as a consequence, need to be raised from each property within the parish. The amount varies depending on the council tax band within which the property falls – bands A to H. The appropriate sum is added to the total council tax that has to be paid by that property and Cornwall Council sends the annual council tax bill to each property. Cornwall Council is responsible for ensuring that the council tax is paid by each property. Cornwall Council pays to the parish the total sum that has been specified by the parish council in two equal sums on 1 April and 1 October in the financial year of April to March.

The council tax levied per property is often quoted in the press based upon the amount payable by a band D property. The amounts paid by the other bands are on a scale relative to band D from two-thirds for band A to double for band H.

In the case of Tregony with Cuby Parish Council, the precept for 2021/22 was set at £25,000 equivalent to a band D charge of £58.18. This compares with the precepts raised by the predecessor parish councils of Tregony £92.37, Cuby £25.11. For 2022/23, the precept was set again at £25,000. For 2023/24, the precept was set at £27,000.

In addition to the council tax precept, parish councils may have income from other sources. In some cases, parish councils may have significant other income, e.g. if the parish council owns a large car park with high usage, or owns property from which rental income is achieved. For many parish councils, however, other income streams are small and the overwhelming majority of their income is derived from the council tax precept. This is the case for Tregony with Cuby where the estimated income from sources other than the precept is approximately £1,100.

Tregony with Cuby Parish Council has inherited the reserves that had been built up by the predecessor parish councils over the years. The budget for 2021/22 assumed that a small proportion of those reserves would be drawn down in the first year. For 2022/23, it was again planned that a further small proportion of the reserves would be drawn down.

Each year, the parish council must publish prescribed documents relating to its accounts for the previous financial year. Initially, the accounts that have been internally audited are agreed by the parish council along with an annual governance statement confirming that appropriate procedures were in place. Members of the public have the right to inspect the documents within the accounts during a period of 30 working days and the parish council publishes a formal notice specifying the period and how the public can view the documents.

See below the documents published by Tregony with Cuby parish council:

For the year 2022/23:

TWC Notice for the period for the exercise of public rights June 2023

Annual Governance Statement 2022-23 Tregony with Cuby PC

TWCPC Accounting Statement 2022-23

TWCPC Internal Audit Report 2022-23

Tregony with Cuby asset register 2023

For the prior year, 2012/22:

Notice of right to inspect accounts

Annual Governance Statement 2021_22 - Tregony with Cuby PC

Tregony with Cuby accounting statement 2021-22

Annual Internal Audit Report 2021_22- Tregony with Cuby PC

For parish councils with a turnover above £25,000 per annum, the accounts have to be externally audited. After the external auditor has examined the accounts, the auditor's report will come back to the parish council for it to consider.