Proposed trial parking scheme in Fore Street, Tregony

November 28th 2021

For many years, parking in Fore Street, Tregony has been a problem with demand for spaces greater than the number of spaces available. 

The parish council resolved at its meeting on 8 November to ask residents to take part in a trial that could make more spaces available. It is proposed that residents and visitors to Fore Street who wish to park on the north side of Fore Street from just below the Londis shop (outside no. 63, by the archway) to the steps outside the old antiques shop (no. 57), park facing the kerb at a 45 degree angle. We estimate that this would enable approximately twice as many cars to park here compared with conventional parking. This proposal is on the widest part of Fore Street where we think that there is sufficient space to allow this mode of parking without causing any problems for through traffic.

This scheme will be a trial starting on 1 January 2022 for 3 months. The parish council will review the scheme at the end of the trial period and it welcomes feedback from residents during or at the end of the trial period.

This scheme is “unofficial” in that there is no traffic regulation order to compel motorists to do this but we hope that motorists will follow the suggested protocol without the need for white lines and enforcement. Those residents who go to Probus will have seen that such a regime seems to work in The Square, Probus.

Would motorists please ensure that they still park considerately and do not block any access to properties.

See Parking in Fore Street plan of trial scheme


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