Parish council publishes guidance and policy in respect of grant applications made to the council

August 22nd 2023

The parish council has always carefully considered requests made by village organisations for financial assistance in the form of grants to support worthy local projects. For example, grants have been made for several years towards the Christmas lights display so well organised by the voluntary Christmas lights committee; grants were given in support of last year’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations and this year’s Coronation events; a grant was given towards the installation of a new Pétanque court at the sports field.

The parish council felt that it would be helpful to formalise the process for organisations to apply for grants and it is now publishing the following paperwork for guidance. Any organisation thinking of requesting a grant from the parish council should read the policy document and complete the grant application form. We would still encourage potential applicants to come along to a parish council meeting and discuss the proposal before submitting a formal application.

TwCPC Grants Policy

TwCPC Grant Appl Form



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